Is Your Brain Really Necessary?

You can also read an extended 2-part article, from which I spoke to make this video.
Go here for part 1:

Who Needs A Brain? – 2

The Flight Of Consciousness

Part 1 of this long article lies here

There is a curious scientific principle I refer to often: it can’t be true, therefore it isn’t. For most scientific intellects, they seem to think of it as some kind of magical axiom that can be trotted out to cover anything which disturbs their worldview (Zeitgeist) or challenges the status quo.

Of course they said it about heavier-than-air-flight, out-of-body experiences, telepathy, quantum biology and thousands of other applications in life where—in their view—the effect could not happen and therefore it didn’t. No need to look at the evidence: there couldn’t be any!

Well, it’s a handy, if lazy, way of looking at truths. The trouble is, these thinkers are never disturbed by concrete evidence of something contrary to their worldview; you cannot shift these people with mere facts! They have fixed prejudices which will never change. As someone wittily said (Thomas Kuhn, I think), the only way anything moves forward is when the old guard dies off and new people come onto the scene who are not prejudging the more advanced view.

So it is with the idea that consciousness does not need a physical matrix, such as a brain or even a computer. It just is! Viewpoint is a matter of choice and a person can accept their viewpoint as peeping out at the world from behind a pair of eyes in their skull. Or the person can say “I am not in my body; I don’t need my body to perceive”. When such a person is good at it, they can “see” just as well as with eyes.

So out-of-body experiences and remote viewing are not just possible but would be expected. Near-death-experiences (NDEs) have something of the same characteristics, where the person is consciously aware but clearly not working from the brain or the normal sensorium of sight, touch, smell, etc. Continue reading

Who Needs A Brain? – 1

Is your brain really necessary?

This is the title of a famous paper published in the journal Science by Roger Lewin, concerning the research of the late Dr. John Lorber, professor of neurology at the university of Sheffield, UK.

[Roger Lewin (December 12, 1980). “Is Your Brain Really Necessary?” SCIENCE 210 (4475): 1232–1234. doi:10.1126/science.7434023. PMID 7434023]

When Sheffield’s campus doctor was treating one of the mathematics students for a minor ailment, he noticed that the student’s head was a little larger than normal. The doctor referred the student to professor Lorber for further examination.

The student in question was academically bright, had a reported IQ of 126 and was expected to graduate. When he was examined by CAT-scan, however, Lorber discovered that he had virtually no brain at all. The student had less than 1 millimetre of cerebral tissue lining the skull, a condition called hydrocephalus, in which the cerebrospinal fluid pressurizes and destroys the brain.

Despite no brain, this Sheffield student had lived a perfectly normal life and went on to gain an honors degree in mathematics. His case is by no means as rare as you might think. Continue reading

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Pellentesque a ex nibh. Quisque non placerat purus, nec venenatis orci. Cras faucibus est eu ultricies semper. Vivamus non sodales quam, molestie maximus tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum finibus lorem vitae fringilla scelerisque. Sed et mattis nisl, ac sagittis turpis. Etiam id metus lectus. Donec et nibh orci. Donec porttitor, erat a efficitur lobortis, lectus magna tincidunt orci, sit amet ornare ex quam pretium sem. Vivamus vulputate sollicitudin fringilla. Phasellus luctus condimentum erat, ut vulputate augue tincidunt quis. Sed porttitor justo vel turpis iaculis rhoncus. Donec in ex sapien.