Perfect and Eternal Memory

Would total recall be a curse or a boon? I ask because a recent book “Total Recall: How the eMemory revolution will change everything” started me thinking.

100% memory, in the form of digital files and images, perhaps enhanced by newer as-yet-undiscovered sensors, will be with us soon. This is a given part of the techno-revolution we are living through.

The book has a glowing introduction by Bill Gates and it all seems to take the point of view this is a good thing. But is it?

Even if we wished to, we may not be able to forget. Because you get the stuff beaten out of you at school for forgetting doesn’t mean all forgetting is bad! We have to filter some of our impressions, otherwise we would go into overload.

In fact, as I have written elsewhere, we have to selectively (and wisely) UN-remember certain things just to function at all. We have naturally in-built mechanisms to do this for us. Who can foresee what will happen if we forecefully override these mechanisms?

Anyway, who cares about out past, except us? Isn’t it just vanity; to believe that our little lives, of all those in history, are the ones that really matter? That we should be preserved, when greats such as St. Thomas Aquinas, Buddha and Beethoven have no “substance” of their selves and lives left behind?

Why would our kids and grandkids want to know all our stuff? They should be getting on with their own lives and living fully in the stream of progress of the human condition.

By chance, another review from the same writer looked at the opposite book. It’s title is “Delete: The virtue of forgetting in the digital age”. Continue reading

Philosopher’s Notes a Mind Feast

One of the most exciting discoveries you can make on the Net is just how much good stuff is out there! The trick is finding it!

I’ve been on the Net for hours a day, most days, for years (working, of course) and never seen this guy before!

Brian Johnson has amassed a wealth of knowledge that is surpassed by only one other digital library I know and – thing is – this one is way quicker. It’s all chunked into bites just for you!

I’m talking about Brian Johnson’s “Philosopher’s Notes” and if I seem a little bright and dazzled, it’s because I am. Today I had one of those wish-I-had_thought-of-that moments and I’m gonna share it with you. Continue reading

Spanking The Monkey In Utero

OK, let’s clear up the jargon first. “Spanking the monkey” means masturbation (mine doesn’t look much like a monkey but I kind of get it).

In utero is a Latin medical term for “in the womb”.

What? Kids masturbating before they are even born? Yes, isn’t it wildly funny?

I’ve put this more in context on my Sexuality and Mysticism page. Just to let you know there isn’t much that’s boring in this site, if anything!!

Thing is, here, we believe that sexuality and spirit go closely hand in hand. Sex is nothing to be ashamed of, or shunned. Get plenty I say. It’s good for the self-image and good to refresh needed energies.

Not for nothing the Tantric adepts believe in long, slow sex! Even in the Western tradition, sex with the priestess was often the only acknowledged way to God. Christians called the priestesses whores – but that’s just hypocritical B*S* and phoney.

God gave us sex. To me it’s holy; VERY holy.

Knowing What You Know

A Short Hierarchy Of Knowledge

(definition: hierarchy – ordered priority, one above another; seniority)

You are probably familiar with an elementary evolution of knowledge, usually attributed to Jalaludin Rumi (Persian, 13th Century, Sufi mystic and poet), which progresses as follows:

  1. Knowing and knowing that you know
  2. Knowing and not knowing that you know
  3. Not knowing but knowing that you don’t know
  4. Not knowing and not knowing that you don’t know

rumi the poet and sufiJalaludin Rumi

Level 4, of course, is a dangerous degree of ignorance. It could get you into trouble, whereas level 3 might not. When a person knows what they don’t know, at least they can take steps to remedy the deficit. But generals in battle, who think they know when they don’t, can get a lot of soldiers killed unnecessarily.

Thanks to the current education system, which teaches meaningless “realities” that cover up ignorance of actuality and life, most people complete their schooling at level 4, rather than level 1, which is where they should be.

In fact this simple hierarchy can be expanded considerably, to become an almost infinite series of gradations that could be considered a true Hierarchy Of Knowledge and this scale is the key to a great deal of effective and powerful knowledge.

I have a whole-hour talk on this theme in my “New Thought Horizons”, entitled “PowerLogic”. Here I have simplified it down and am sharing a few notes.

Let’s take a look… Continue reading

Dark Night of the Soul





What Is The Dark Night of The Soul?

The Guru says: “when you are born you enter the world crying while everyone else is rejoicing and when you die, hopefully, you have lived such a life that everyone will be crying while you are rejoicing”.

If you are not living such a life, it’s not too late to turn things around. In fact it takes only an instant. I’ve found that all it takes is ONE decision.

There is a current wisdom which says that “You only live once. This is it. You don’t get a second chance. Life isn’t a dress rehearsal”. Phrases like these are given out liberally at motivation seminars. It’s a fine exhortation to inspire the best in people.

But actually this tragically disempowering “wisdom” is wrong; perniciously wrong.  And I am not talking about past lives.

There is a kind of logical snag in it. In truth you get two lives: the one you have had so far and the one that starts from now on. Think about this. Life so far has been made up of what you have been doing, thinking, what you have become, your attainments, your possessions, whether sparse or glamorous, are all part of this first installment of life.

But beginning in these next few seconds is your new and wonderful second life. At least it will be wonderful if you make it that way. You can effectively start again if you choose to. And if you are not too content with what your life has been so far, you’d be crazy not to want to change it, wouldn’t you?  Continue reading

Antigravity Yoga Hanging in Silk Cocoons

yoga in cocoons is the new fitness craze sweeping America

  • Participants use silk hammocks to improve blood flow and stretch spine
  • Can also form cocoons to find zen state

Aerial acrobatics and the attainment of spiritual tranquility seem to go hand in hand. Perhaps it’s like real “spiritual flying” or levitation? It’s called AntiGravity Yoga.

It has been developed by acrobat and gymnast Christopher Harrison and involves a thorough workout a few feet above the ground in a silk hammock that can close around the person inside to form a peaceful pod.

Cocoon craze: Closing yourself off inside the hammock allows you to focus on your mind, body and spirit
According to Christopher, hanging upside down balances out the body, enhances abdominal workouts and opens up the spine. Closing yourself off inside a personal hammock allows you to focus on your mind, body and spirit in a completely new way. Continue reading