The Make It NOW Timeline Technique

The Make It NOW Timeline Technique (MINT)

The key to making the sweeping transformations that we have been able to accomplish in Supernoetics® piloting lies in our specialized handling of the timeline. It has simply been supposed that—since memory is the problem—we start by remembering things that troubled us. No! This is wrong.

We have to travel the timeline. See, just remembering 1953 (or “the time we were in Rome”, etc.) pushes 1953 back there, into history. It retreats from our grasp. Remembering creates a rift, the contrast of time-present and time-then.

But to BE THERE, in 1953, brings it right into the client’s face, right here, NOW! It’s rather like driving a car back to the year 1953, stepping out of the car and looking around. We ask the client: What do you see, feel, hear?

We can tell from the language used and the bodily expressions that the person is re-living or fully re-experiencing the moment and that is crucial to success. He or she becomes the roving journalist, reporting back to base!

The difference between the client doing this by chance, or actually making him or her perform, is the difference between abreaction therapies and piloting. There have been occasional successes and recoveries. Now, at last, we have a fully developed technique that can accomplish results time after time.

This “Make it NOW” approach was developed by me over two decades ago (I actually demonstrated it live on BBC Radio Manchester in 1981) but in recent years science has caught up. Researchers are speaking of the process of memory consolidation: the literal re-creating of memory, full on. And—surprise, surprise—they have found that memory is very plastic and moldable at that precise moment.

We can “adjust” the memory to suit… strip it of pain and hurt, emotional charges, irrationality, guilt etc.

Nothing does this stripping of charge better or faster than the use of DEEP processing, developed by Beer and Dane.