Where did we come from? – 2

This post I promised to take a crack at defining spirit; I mean a REAL, scientifically-oriented definition, not woolly mumbo-jumbo or guru-babble.

Actually, it isn’t so hard if you go about it the right way. Basically, spirit is non-material, I think we can all agree on that. So what does it mean to be non-material?

It means:

  • no matter
  • no energy
  • no location in space
  • no time
  • no wavelength

We have to add this last, because even wavelength implies a Hertzian field. That’s the equivalent of energy and mass.

But so far, this doesn’t imply consciousness.

What we have to do is add awareness (awareness of awareness), which implies perception and cognitive function.

So consciousness is something that doesn’t exist, by normal physics definitions, yet has the ability to perceive, think and be aware. Not just that but be aware of being aware.

How could such a thing come about? I have no idea, honest!