Take Time To Think Of The Mighty Wonder That Is The Universe


I’m reading from a copy of the New Scientist (journal) promotional email:

Quantum physics has always been a source of mystery and delight. It defies common sense yet we have learned to manipulate these strange phenomena.

Hey, is this even the right question? I think we should be saying that “common sense” defies physics. “Common sense” says that the mind is in the brain; aspirin kills pain; cancer is a consequence of genes; old age is a “disease” of wearing out parts; good whole food cannot hurt you; gravity is a hidden force that controls the universe; and vaccinations help prevent disease.

None of these supposed common sense observations are necessarily true.

Quantum physics says something far more enriching and exciting than common sense. It says the “real” world is an illusion. It’s all built with smoke and mirrors, on a platform of mere probability. Things only appear solid and real; they are not. There is no matter (particles), only the probability of particles. Electrons, one of the fundamental building blocks of the universe; are particles—but not really—they are actually waves… or both… or neither. Just a smudge or a whisper, really.

Hang on to your hat. Common sense cannot take you on this wild roller coaster ride.

I am constantly amused by the words of celebrity physicist Michio Kaku, who says, “It is often stated that of all the theories proposed in this century, the silliest is quantum theory. Some say that the only thing that quantum theory has going for it, in fact, is that it is unquestionably correct.” Boom boom! Continue reading

New Mind Modalities Revealed

In Supernoetics™ we are advanced beyond all competition. We have penetrated far deeper into the Kingdom Of The Mind than anyone else, including further than pretty hard-core research that’s out there!

While some are dividing the mind anatomically (right and left brain), we divide the mind functionally.

The Divided Brain

Following the work of UK psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist, we can now define right and left brain functions in different and more appropriate terms. The old right-brain-equals-emotions, left-brain-equals-rationality model is a non-starter, as I wrote many years ago. Both sides of the brain are involved in emotions; both sides of the brain are involved in linear function and rationality. We learned this from MRI scans. Real lateralized brain function is as follows: Continue reading

Indescribable Fluff Posing As Spiritual Prowess

There is some pretty lightweight coaching and teaching out there. It makes you wonder what planet some of these people are living on.

In my inbox today was a link to the following “profound” teaching (thing is, I know the teacher, she reads my writings and I know she’s a very nice person):

Whatever you want, apparently—whether it is money, time, health, love, friendship—these 5 steps will give you the tools to attract blessings in your life.

Step 1: Know what you want and DESIRE to receive it

Know that it is what God wants for you. Then have a desire to receive it.

Step 2: ASK for it to come into your life

Ask God. Ask Angels. Ask the Universe.

Step 3: BELIEVE you can have it and it will happen

Have faith in your desire being manifest.

Step 4: Let go and ALLOW

Allow spirit to work for you and follow through on any inspired action.

Step 5: Receive your desire in GRATITUDE

Express your thankfulness to God and the Divine.

So, nothing about eating right if you want to be healthy then—you just attract it? If you want money, just think hard, ask God. Ask the Angels. Ask the Universe. There’s absolutely no need for you to do any work. People will just throw money your way, even if you have nothing to give in return?

Friendship? No need to work on your patterns, communication skills and emotional set point. Someone will walk into your life and love you to pieces forever, no matter how obnoxiously you behave?

I don’t think so. Continue reading

The Politics Of Freedom

Jun 26, 2016 (Brexit plus 3)

Much as I deplore politics and its corruption, and would love to stay out of it, we have little choice today. Plato famously remarked the great penalty for declining to get involved in government is that you end up being ruled by idiots or inferiors (various translations and mis-translations of this, from Republic Book 1, 347-C).

I would prefer to re-write it as: the penalty you pay for refusing to get involved in politics is that you end up governed by criminal, power-hungry, abusive masterminds. That’s largely the shift that’s taking place on the world’s stage today.

As the bullying might of communist Russia and China is slowly evaporating, and US imperialist power is brought down by the weakened dollar, a far more sinister force for global evil is stalking us. Globalism. Disguised as being for the good of all, it means the imposition of a planetary control system in which ordinary people will be as weak and docile cattle, fodder for the power-hungry globalist elite.

The issue was front and foremost this very week, when Britain shocked the world by suddenly opting to bale out of enslavement to the European “one world” model and go it alone. It took everyone by surprise, because nobody really foresaw it.

Certainly not The International Monetary Fund. The IMF is close to controlling the whole planet (intentionally). It acts like a global loan shark, exerting enormous leverage over the economies of more than 60 countries. These countries have to follow the IMF’s policies to get loans, international assistance, and even debt relief. Thus, the IMF decides how much debtor countries can spend on education, health care, and environmental protection. The IMF is one of the most powerful institutions on Earth — yet few know how it works.

The IMF wants slaves. Notice how they forced Greece to stay in the EU, even though nobody wanted that, least of all Greece. Letting a country slip out of their grip is the last thing they want, as the jaws of the trap close about us.

Catch this great cartoon by Ben Garrison:


It remains to be seen whether Britain will be crushed for her impertinence or whether her rebellious stand will create such turmoil that the globalists will be set back a full quarter century.

For the rest of this disturbing topic, I defer to brilliant investigative journalist Jon Rappaport (www.nomorefakenews.com): Continue reading