Live In Exhilaration

Live life with a furious joy and fearless, bloody-minded determination!

Nothing can hurt you but that you let yourself believe it can. It is possible to live life in this exalted state of energy and thrill, without needing a sense of frenzy or excess, profligacy or lack of control.

There are no “disasters”. There are spills a-plenty. We cannot live the perfect life but we can live with near-perfect willingness to experience it all!

A downhill skier experiences acceleration and exhilaration. I myself don’t ski. But in scree running on mountains, diving and thrusting, I have tasted that same sense of exhilaration, beyond any sensation that ordinary living can provide.

Truly, inspiration + acceleration = exhilaration.

Remember the sweet epithet that goes round and round…

Sing as if no-one was listening,

Dance as if no-one was watching,

Love as if it could never hurt.

That’s the true meaning of life!