Live In Exhilaration

Live life with a furious joy and fearless, bloody-minded determination!

Nothing can hurt you but that you let yourself believe it can. It is possible to live life in this exalted state of energy and thrill, without needing a sense of frenzy or excess, profligacy or lack of control.

There are no “disasters”. There are spills a-plenty. We cannot live the perfect life but we can live with near-perfect willingness to experience it all!

A downhill skier experiences acceleration and exhilaration. I myself don’t ski. But in scree running on mountains, diving and thrusting, I have tasted that same sense of exhilaration, beyond any sensation that ordinary living can provide.

Truly, inspiration + acceleration = exhilaration.

Remember the sweet epithet that goes round and round…

Sing as if no-one was listening,

Dance as if no-one was watching,

Love as if it could never hurt.

That’s the true meaning of life!

Are you a plus 1 or a minus 3?

Professor Gary Schwartz, leading researcher into the sphere of consciousness and survival after death, started out as a skeptic.

He defined a scale from minus 3, total DISBELIEF in anything spiritual, to plus 3, unshakeable BELIEF in all matters spiritual and beyond the physical realm.

Where do you fit? If you are a minus 3, are you being open minded enough? Or plus 3, are you just simple-minded and gullible?

We all fit somewhere on this scale. Gary Schwartz, the first speaker in my guest teleseminar series discussing the Science of Being and Consciousness, reveals in his book THE SACRED PROMISE that he considered it his professional duty to start out as a minus 3 and insist on being moved along by proof.

Most people I suppose come in between minus 1 and plus 1. But where is the evidence to justify being a plus 3? Continue reading

If You Could Have Just One Wish Come True What Would You Ask For?

If you met a superbeing, a genie or a minor god who claimed he could grant you any wish you liked, what would you choose?

Think carefully; don’t be corny and say, “A million dollars” (or even $10 million). Don’t wish for infinite powers: you’d die of boredom in half a day… think about it.

I think I’d soon get very tired with materializing pots of gold, meeting delicious blondes with exaggerated appetites, always winning the lottery or endless triumphs for the local football team! Where is the sport in that?

I’d ask for the power to fly by magic, like Peter Pan. Levitation it’s sometimes called. Why?

Because it would require an awesome shift of consciousness to do that; you would at a stroke have surpassed the laws of the physical universe. But you would also have entered a wholly new realm of mind.

I can just feel the exhilaration, as I contemplate that idea. Even $billion couldn’t buy you that! Continue reading

God vs. Cosmology

This is such a lengthy comment on my blog “The Humbug Of Science“, I decided to post it here as a guest blog. My friend Eliezer has given permission: please comment on HIS comment!

Doc, you always astound me with the information you present and the questions that you bring up.  This ‘The Humbug Of Science’ especially on the study of cosmology truly hits home.  I have been working on a lecture on Cosmology leading to ‘the Battle for God in Science’.  I present here a few thoughts about cosmology that I think you might agree with, and I will certainly love to hear your comments.

There is a great misunderstanding and ignorance about the universe and how we fit in to this great cosmos.  The only cure for ignorance is knowledge, and knowledge takes effort.   Once you have knowledge what do you do with it?  “Self knowledge without self change is self abuse”.

There are two roads, two schools of thought in science before us, and we have a choice of which direction we choose, for it will affect all our lives in many ways.  Science has departed from the traditional aspects of empirical studies produced by an experiment or observation.  This is no more evident than in present studies in Cosmology.  We have the study of cosmology that has been high jacked by mathematicians. Continue reading

Steve Jobs’ Legacy

This piece has been doing the rounds, enjoyably. Food for the mind and a little fire for the soul, yes:

1. Yes, you can make a difference

Anyone trying to achieve real change — in life, in a company or in any organization — probably feels the urge to give up half a dozen times a day. The naysayers and seat-polishers will do everything to slow you down. No one is suggesting that what Apple achieved was the result of Jobs alone, but his career is proof of just how much one individual can change things.

2. You need a vision

It’s not enough to conduct opinion polls and customer surveys, and rely on consultants’ projections. Those are all based on the conventional wisdom and the world as it is today. Jobs imagined things — most obviously the iPod, and the iTunes services — that didn’t yet exist and for which the market was uncertain. While his competitors were still building the products of yesterday, he was imagining, and building, those of tomorrow.

3. It’s not about you

It’s horrifying how many business decisions are still made on the assumption that “well, we have to do something with XYZ division, so let’s give them this project” or “Buggins has seniority so he’s in charge.” Do you think the customer cares about Buggins or XYZ division? Jobs built Apple into a streamlined operation, focused on the output, nothing else. Continue reading

The Physics Of Guru!

You’re gonna love this! It’s amazing…

This is something I learned from my friend Cyril Smith, at Salford University.. with a twist on it that he missed!

An adult man standing with his arms outstretched above his head is approximately the right size for a quarter dipole aerial at a radio frequency of 10 metres wavelength, 30 MegaHertz frequency.

So what? That just happens to be the longest wavelength that will reliably reflect around the underside of our atmospheric layer called the ionosphere. The ionosphere is what makes ham radio possible: bouncing signals around to any part of our planet (electromagnetic waves, remember, travel in straight lines).

Now also, if I human were able to somehow cohere all the power that he/she omits, it’s quite possible to get a burst of up to 1 kilowatt (harder to sustain it). That’s plenty of power to transmit radio signals.

So, this may be yet another “Goldilocks effect” (physics that works “just right” for human life). Because it means that we are the right size and can generate enough power to transmit our personal energies to anyone on planet Earth.

The bit that Cyril missed (he’s never published it anyway) is that arms outstretched like that is the classic guru or priest posture for influencing the masses. That means gurus can transmit and their message will reach anywhere! [could apply to the Nazi salute, too, I’m thinking] They really do sway their followers by transmitting a real signal, acknowledged by physics. Nothing woo there!

The problem is, not the transmitting, but the receiving. Out of all the “noise” that’s pumped into our electromagnetic environment, how do we tune into the exact signal we are seeking?

More on that later.

One last point: LOTS of people standing with their arms outstretched could create a much more powerful transmission. Mexican wave, anyone?

We are radio human.